Perak, the republican harbinger?

Translation by Shanon Shah (The Nut Graph)

THE Perak crisis, PAS's upcoming party elections, violent snatch thefts and mat rempit misbehaving occupied the Malay-language press from 4 to 10 May 2009.

In his 10 May Bisik-Bisik Mingguan column in Mingguan Malaysia, Awang Selamat said of the 7 May ruckus in the Perak state assembly: "There are frightening signs in the Perak chaos.

"The signs are getting clearer that Malaysia is going to be dragged into becoming a republic as championed by one particular party in the opposition coalition," Awang claimed. Nowhere in his article, Negara di ambang republik?, did he clarify which party he was referring to.

Chaos during the 7 May Perak assembly sitting

But he did say this: "It is not hard to guess. It relates closely to the party which, since independence, has been dreaming of a republic and is assisted by a Malay [Malaysian] leader obsessed with power."

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