Najib should Step Down

By Sick and Tired

Only 1 month into his reign and Najib has proven to Malaysians that he is not fit to be a leader. The debacle in Perak is proof that despite all Najib’s talk about 1Malaysia and people first, he does not give two hoots what the people want.

Almost every party, every NGO, the bar council, Tengku Razaleigh, even BN-linked parties such as MCA and Gerakan have called for fresh elections in Perak to solve the problem once and for all. And yet Najib refuses to listen to the people. Is this what he means by people first? He has shown his true colours that he is only greedy for power and will do anything to get it, even if it means turning Malaysia into a Police state, which we all witnessed on the 7th of May in Perak. 

There was really no point in him taking LRTs and visiting the people on the streets as it is all talk and no action. Badawi did the same when he took office but nothing came out of it. 

The problems in Perak only started because of the greed of Najib and his illegal takeover of the state. It is clear that Perakians want PR as their government. Why is this so hard for Najib to understand? Instead, because of his greed, he is wasting tax payers money on unnecessary court cases. Najib should know that the people are not stupid and we know what the law is. We know that while PR has been following the law, BN has done nothing but break the law due to their greed and power hungry nature. If he is a PM that really cares about the people, he should listen to what they want. Has he forgotten that he is the employee of the people? Has he forgotten that it is the people who pay his salary? 

He has abused his position ever since he took over by using the police, the judiciary, the AGs office, the EC to his advantage. All these offices should be independent; but in Malaysia, they all work for no one but the government and carry out the PM's bidding even if it means breaking the law. It is funny that only in Malaysia the organizations that are supposed to uphold the law are the ones breaking the law. 

With the Perak case now going back and forth, how much tax payers money will be wasted? Everyone knows that the High Court decision was the right one as that is what the constitution says. By appealing the judgment, Najib has shown to Malaysians that he has no respect for the constitution. It is clear to the people that if the Court of Appeal declares Zambry as the MB, then we know the judge is not fit to be a judge. In the first case, the stay order and appeal should have been rejected without wasting any more time or money as the Court of Appeal Judge knows very well that the High Court judgment is the only right one as that is clearly stated in the constitution. An appeal should only be allowed if there is reason to believe that the judgment made was wrong. Yet Najib insists on carrying on this farce. 

If he is really concerned about the people, the writing is on the wall; they want fresh elections in Perak. If he is the people's PM, do the right thing and shame the devil. And if he can't, then he should step down as Malaysia is not in need of a selfish, power-hungry PM who will not think twice about turning this country into a police state for his own selfish means. 

Maybe it's time all organizations who really care about Malaysia to call for Najib to step down as PM if he is not able to do right by the people, for the people and to the people. We cannot accept nor tolerate a PM who has proven that he is not capable to run the country during these trying times when countries all over are facing a tough economy. There are more important things to be taken care of than grabbing a state illegally. All Najib has done since he became PM is cause chaos in the Country and this is totally unacceptable.
