Let the People Decide!

Its tweedle-dee, tweedle-dum again. Zambry is not or is? Nizar is or isn't. What has brought this sad state of affairs to Perak? It is politics.

The problem we now have in Perak is essentially a political one. It is not an issue of legality. If we allow the courts to decide on what is essentially a political problem, we will continue to have this see-sawing.

What is at stake here is constitional democracy. Democracy as is commonly understood is rule of the people, by the people and for the people. It is a process of getting a government by way of free elections. We may not get the government that we particularly want, but the process of getting it is democratic. Hence a 'bad' government that is cavalierly dismissed by the catechetical 'we get the government we deserve' is useless analytically. What does it mean? It does not conform to a personal catalogue? Unless it's properly analysed, this often snide remark is just what it is- just an cynical oral expression.

Hence when elections are held involving multi parties, the elections are said to be democratic.

It is constitutional since these rights are secured by the rule of law. When we combine the term constitutional democracy, we mean the process of getting a government that has at its goals the qualities normally associated with democracy- free elections, guarantee of inalienable rights, the primacy of the rule of law and so forth.

So, when we asked what is at stake here, the answer is: what is at stake in the destruction of (a) democracy (b) constitutional safeguards to that democracy.

I asked a lawyer friend- what does a stay of execution mean. He says it means the judgement is not operative yet. Who is the MB I asked. Zambry, came the answer.

