Thank You, Saudara Anwar

Thank you for doing the right thing for Pakatan Rakyat.

By Simon Templar

In my article titled Pakatan Rakyat Is Just Another Cirque Du Soleil, I questioned Anwar Ibrahim on how and why the Seberang Prai Municipal Council swearing-in ceremony boycott was allowed to proceed. It looks like PKR has made a u-turn from their earlier decision to close a blind eye on the issue.

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Dear Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim,

The Star's report on "Johari To Face PKR Disciplinary Action" dated 17 June 2009 refers.

Thank you for doing the right thing for Pakatan Rakyat.

And since Pakatan Rakyat at the end of the day belongs to the rakyat, by proceeding with this PKR internal disciplinary action, you are doing the right thing for the rakyat and the nation.

This in my view is good leadership.

Although this internal disciplinary action is belated, the fact that an action is now taken is a show of sincerity by PKR to maintain peace and harmony within Pakatan Rakyat. Let this be a lesson and warning to all in Pakatan Rakyat who harbour and place personal gains and personal agendas ahead of the objectives and spirit of Pakatan Rakyat. No one person, regardless of party membership of PKR, DAP or PAS, should be above the party and the rakyat would really love to see that no one person is above Pakatan Rakyat.

Read more at: Thank You, Saudara Anwar

