Nizar has let down voters, says Zambry

(NST) KAMPAR: Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir sympathises with the voters of Bukit Gantang who had high hopes of their MP, Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, to represent them in Parliament.

But as it turned out, the former menteri besar was suspended from the august house for two days for unparliamentary conduct.

"I'm sure they are disappointed. They supported and voted for him. He should have been more respectful of the house and behaved in a responsible manner.

"His actions showed his true colours," he said after chairing the weekly executive council meeting here yesterday.

"It will be difficult for him to serve as an effective member of parliament in such a situation. Everyone knows what is expected of an elected representative… how he must behave … with complete decorum.

"Even Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia and opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibra-him were surprised at his actions."

Nizar, who won the Bukit Gantang seat in a by-election in April, was thrown out of the Dewan Rakyat minutes after he was sworn in as MP on Monday. Pandikar Amin ordered him out for rowdy behaviour.

Immediately after taking his oath, Nizar had tied a headband around his songkok and shouted "Hidup Rakyat, Bubar DUN" (Long live the people, dissolve the state assembly).

Seven other Pakatan members were also shown the door for violating the house dress code.

On the proposed unity talks between Umno and Pas, Zambry said:

"With due respect to Pas spiritual leader Da-tuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, he should support such talks. Yes, there maybe be obstacles, but Tok Guru should initiate such good moves."
