Najib, Umno And The People’s Perception

The issue of money politics in Umno seems to have fizzled out after Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak took over the premiership from Pak Lah.

By Malaysian Story

The board members headed by Tan Sri Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen Tengku Ismail look quiet now despite the “brouhaha’ that it was investigating 900 cases of money politics involving Umno members and leaders.

What happened to the investigations pertaining to the 900 cases?

Many in Umno and even the people see the board as weak, lack political will and credibility.

They missed the golden opportunity to repair the board’s tainted and damaged image when they let off Khairy Jamaludin, the infamous son in-law of the infamous ex-PM Pak Lah, with a stern warning despite foolproof and infallible evidence that KJ was involved in money politics.

Read more at: Najib, Umno And The People’s Perception

