Hishammuddin Assures Gobalakrishnan Of His Safety

(Bernama) — Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein gave an assurance on the safety of Padang Serai Member of Parliament, N. Gobalakrishnan, from Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), who claimed to have received a death threat via the short messaging service (SMS) on his handphone earlier Wednesday.

"I will look into the matter and take the necessary action to ensure his (Gobalakrishnan's) safety. We have the expertise," he said at a press conference at the Parliament lobby, here.

Earlier, Gobalakrishnan filed a report to police officers from the Sentul Police Station at the Parliament House at about 11.55 am, in which he claimed to have received two death threats on his handphone via the SMS.

According to Gobalakrishnan, the first threat was received at 12.47 am this morning when he was still sleeping in Kulim, followed by the second SMS at 6.48 am.

"I hope this incident won't escalate into another by-election in Padang Serai," he joked to reporters, adding: "If the Home Minister doesn't want another by-election in Padang Serai, he better takes care of me."

Asked for the motive of the threat, he said he was not sure, adding that the sender knew his car registration number.

Meanwhile, Sentul Deputy OCPD Supt Zainuddin Ahmad, when contacted confirmed receiving the report.
