Is Hadi’s Islam and Parti PAS different from Nik Aziz’s?

The People's Parliament

On 20th November, last year, I had written to JAKIM requesting for a fatwa on the question of whether concepts of ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ and the Bumiputra-non Bumi distinction that seems to be constantly pursued by UMNO is unIslamic.

I had blogged about this last year and the post and the letter to JAKIM can be viewed HERE.

Both in that post and the letter to JAKIM, I had quoted Nik Aziz as reported in BERNAMA. I reproduce that quote below.

“Di dalam Islam tidak mengira bangsa, apa yang penting adalah takwa kepada Allah s.w.t. Tidak kiralah bangsa apa, Cina, Melayu, India dan Arab. Tuhan hanya melihat ketakwaan seseorang itu… kerana bila kita bertakwa kita takut kepada Allah dan menjalankan tanggungjawab kita”.

Needless to say, I’ve not got a response from JAKIM.

