DAP MP accuses PKR councillor of abuse of power

Bernard Cheah, The Sun

Penang Chief Minister's Chief of Staff Jeff Ooi Chuan Aun has called for a domestic inquiry to be carried out on a Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) councillor for alleged abused of power over a stop-work order issued against a condominium developer in Batu Lanchang. 

Ooi said the PKR councillor, which he declined to name, had tried to push MPPP officers to retable the One-Stop Centre (OSC) papers for the stop-work order to be withdrawn against the developer, and to enable the latter to continue construction work, on June 26 and 29.

"The councillor has violated the code of ethics by pushing the MPPP officers. He is only supposed to bring an official proposal in any official meetings recognised by the local authorities. I ask for a domestic inquiry to be carried out on this councillor immediately to ensure he does not have any conflict of interest. He should not behave like a hero or a cowboy," said Ooi at a press conference here today.
Ooi said the stop-work order was issued on June 26 against Insa Properties Sdn Bhd, as it had continued heavy construction work on site beyond the stipulated hours of 8am to 6pm.

Ooi, who is also MP for Jelutong, said he had received many complaints from residents that heavy construction work was ongoing after 6pm, as well as open burning, the disposal of concrete into drains and noise pollution since February this year.
"I have written to the state government on this matter, and the name of the councillor is stated in the letter," he said. "The councillor should abide by the CAT (Competency, Accountability and Transparency) principle at all time."
When contacted, Insa Properties Sdn Bhd director Chee Cheng Boon said they had appealed against the stop-work order several days after it was issued.
Chee assured that once the stop-work order is revoked, construction work will not continue after 6pm, asking the residents to "bear with us for the time being".
Chee also apologised, saying they were making up for lost time as the cement company had been slow in delivery. He said construction work was being carried out overtime only once or twice a month.
