Rice Bowl PASLand & DAP Rocket Afterburn

By Why LIE-dis n LIE-dat?

The swine or in BolehLand's national language 'babi' is again causing problems in BolehLand.

Already the present scare over the rising cases of A(H1N1) or Minister Rais' preferred term 'selsema babi' is creating concern and anxiety among the people.

Now the 'babi' rather its 'death row' plant, i.e. abattoir is the issue causing temperature to flare up and heated exchanges in the latest tryst among the Pakatan fellos. And similar to 'selsema babi', those feeling the heat should all go for a screening and kept in quarantine for the safety of themselves and others, in this case the Pakatan fellos.

The Kedah DAP in the rice bowl state of Kedah has declared it has left the Pakatan coalition or so it seems.

The reason for shooting off salvos of rockets in anger hoping to hit the moon and annihilate it was because of the inability of the 'babi' from jumping over the moon to get things their way.

Kedah DAP Rocket's afterburn was because of the demolition of the abattoir in Kampung Berjaya there. Seems PAS has been 'insensitive' and according to junior Kit of the DAP isn't practicisng the spirit of quid pro quo among Pakatan fellos.

“Kedah DAP has never sought any titles or Datukships but has been unhappy with the lack of respect accorded by PAS to DAP in Kedah, unlike the respect accorded to PAS in Penang," said junior Kit as reported in The Star, 2 Jul 2009. 'PAS has no respect for DAP in Kedah: Guan Eng.' – Sounds like 'horse trading' or is it 'babi' trading?

But PAS side of this 'babi' demolition, is the Kedah DAP had failed to deliver on an alternative site for the facility after asking for a month's grace to do so. And also said it was an unlicensed 'babi death row.'

While PKR also took blame for not helping to resolve the issue.

And this 'babi' epidemic seemed to also infect the BN parties who can't help but oinked their way trying to make a flying 'babi' start on this affair. MCA Lee Wai calling it a 'political gimmick' urging "the entire Chinese community to stand behind their brethren in Kedah and firmly say ‘no’ to the PAS government in Kedah".. Star sources, 2 July 2009.

So one can't help it but to talk about race and race related issues, like as if the entire Chinese community is 'babi' loving and 'babi' eating fellos. And the DAP and MCA all getting piggish over 'babi' issues make themselves out to be champion 'babi' fighters or a 'babi' party and smells like and full of sh#%!

And isn't MCA's 'babi' involvement also a 'political gimmick' in which they remained quiet on a similar 'babi' project that was initially started in Selangor by their BN partner government previously?

As PAS claims it involves respecting the law, the DAP should do so than allow an illegal abattoir to operate. And if it's about food issues, shouldn't a licence be obtained as it involves health issues! Supposed if the 'babi' consumers got sick from what they bought from this illegal 'babi death house', then all hell breaks lose and the blame is on the government!

Whether it's miscommunication or lack of cultural sensitivities or plain exaggerated fear of the 'babi', this incident clearly shows the complexities in BolehLand society where race still is the divisive issue in any attempt to transcend beyond communal issues and the politics that thrive on them.

The odd thing about this issue is if it was unlicensed as PAS said, they have the power to grant it a licence, right? What was preventing this from happening? Why the need for an alternative site? Is it because it's too near communities that considered the 'babi' infecting their neighbourhood and lives? One wonders if it was some 'kandang lembu' or ayam, the animal kind of course, it would not be demolished too?

But even with alternative sites, as have been shown in Selangor and elsewhere, there will still be protests! Even if it's sited in a jungle, soon when development catches up, it becomes an issue! It's only a matter of time the 'babi' gets blamed for causing and creating man made woes.

So in this case, don't blame the 'babi' for man's inability to sit down and find a solution within an accepted timeframe. If all these time, an alternative was not found, there seemed little effort to resolve it in the first place right?

This latest 'revolt' shows how thinly cemented is the Pakatan group. Their roof is possible made of dried padi stalks and walls of husks, easily burnt away by any of the partners.

