State caught between rock and a hard place

(The Star) KUALA LANGAT: The DAP-led Penang government is walking a tight rope on the Kampung Buah Pala issue as it needs to look into the interest of the people while at the same time be fair to the developer, said Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

He said the issue must be managed in a thoughtful manner as it required the state government to fulfil the demands of both parties.

“Based on my 13 months of experience leading Selangor, I realised that if we give in to those who settled on the land belonging to others, that area cannot be developed.

“And if we do not listen to the people than their welfare could be affected. So, a lot of discussions need to be done to strike a balance and resolve such issues,” he said after kicking off a futsal tournament in Jugra near here.

Kampung Buah Pala residents who have been living on the 2.6ha land for generations are fighting against resettlement to remain at the site and continue their way of life.

The land, known also as High Chaparral, was given to the residents by Helen Margaret Brown who created a trust in favour of the workers at the coconut plantation more than 200 years ago.

Meanwhile, Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said he would not indulge in a blame game with Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

Koh who is the former chief minister said Lim should focus on solving problems instead of blaming the past state government or the Federal Government.

“He has been the CM now for 13 months. He’s no longer the Opposition there.

“He and his followers made a lot of promises, so now it’s time for them to live up to these promises,” said Dr Koh after launching Gerakan’s Satu Hati Fiesta in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
