Manek Urai: Umno using govt, army officers to campaign

By Wong Choon Mei, Suara Keadilan

Pakatan Rakyat leaders are alarmed at the Umno-BN’s unprecedentedly large-scale use of the federal machinery, to the extent of ordering government and army officers to campaign for it at the Manek Urai by-election, where winning is crucial if Prime Minister Najib Razak is to maintain the respect of the Malay community.

“BN is using unethical tactics. The PAS-Pakatan Rakyat candidate is being overwhelmed by the BN machinery both in terms of manpower and financial resources,” said Saifuddin Nasution, PKR election director.

His views were echoed by PAS vice president Mahfuz Omar, who cited reports received from members on the ground.

According to Mahfuz, the Defence Ministry has commanded members of the arm forces to campaign for the Umno-BN. They have also been charged to carry out various programs including entertainment to entice and attract voters to ceramahs or political lectures.

“BN leaders are even making free use of the armed forces’ helicopters to hit the campaign trail,” Mahfuz said.

Government agencies involved in campaigning for the BN include Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan (JPP) Kelantan, Lembaga Kemajuan Kelantan Selatan (Kesedar), Felcra, Jabatan Pelajaran, Jabatan Kesihatan, Kemas, Bahagian Serantas, Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah and the police.

Polling is on July 14. Representing Umno-BN candidate is 39-year old Tuan Aziz Tuan Mat, a UTM graduate and a former Kesedar manager.

The PAS-Pakatan candidate is Mohd Fauzi Abdullah, a 50-year old self-made trader with an affluent fish wholesaling business who is also the party’s Kuala Krai treasurer.

Mohd Fauzi is believed to be holding the edge with the Manek Urai folk, who like his simple but practical ways. Even so, he is concerned about the “government machinery” which he rates to be his greatest obstacle, rather than Tuan Aziz, the Kuala Krai Umno youth chief.

Send a clear message to the Umno-BN, reject their corrupt ways

Manek Urai is just about two hours drive from the Kelantan capital of Kota Baru. A small town, it is now smack in the centre of a huge struggle between the Pakatan and Umno after its PAS assemblyman Ismail Yaacob died in May.

It is a Malay heartland where 99 percent of the 12,293 voters are Malay and has at one time or other either tilled the land or fished the seas. Residents have been watching with bemusement the long line of flashy bigwigs from the federal capital suddenly descending on their peaceful town and trying to convince them that it is now time for ‘change’.

‘Change’ meaning from PAS to BN, not reforms! For Manek Urai is a PAS stronghold, where for decades, the folk have been content with leadership of Menteri Besar Nik Aziz Nik Mat, whom they revere as their religious guru and friend.

But now Umno leaders, including deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin, Kelantan party chief Mustapa Mohamad and Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin are gunning for the young voters there, who form nearly half the constituency.

The Umno team insists that spiritual happiness is not enough. There must be new development, new jobs, new government contracts. And to back their words, Prime Minister Najib, who is also Finance Minister has unleashed a torrent of election goodies worth millions to the constituency.

Najib has given the nod for the Umno-BN to make full use of the federal machinery to campaign on the BN’s behalf. Already, armies of staff on government payroll have begun knocking door to door to transmit the BN’s message of ‘change’ to Manek Urai.

Said Saifuddin: “The orders that have been given by the BN leaders are a clear-cut and serious abuse of power. At every by-election, the BN has been stepping their use of the federal machinery to campaign.

“This is why it vital for the voters at Manek Urai to use their vote and reject the deviationist and corrupt ways of the BN and continue the peoples’ fight for reforms.”

According to the statistics, 5,598 or 45.54 percent of the voter base are aged between 21 and 39. Those aged 40 to 59 make up 4,511 or 36.7 percent, while the 60-79  age group make up 15.75 percent or 1,937 voters. The remaining 2.01 percent or 247 voters are 80 years and above in age.
