Why English should not be taught in Bahasa Malaysia



The standard of English has really gone down because of the tendency to "teach English in Bahasa Malaysia".

I was surfing the Universiti Malaysia Sabah's website because of the news splash about the launching of the so-called UMS website version 3.0? It is really embarassing to find out the many weaknesses of the so-called Website version 3.0.

The information is all static. The pages should be dynamic. There is actually nothing great about the new Website version 3.0 compared to the old version. In fact, only colour changes and the information on the Vice Chancellor had been updated. Basically, this is just a case of "angkat kaki" by some officers. Other than that there is nothing there. I was told that the person got promoted after showing the VC the so-called Website version 3.0. As I surfed the Website, I can see that the Website does not have English-only pages or Bahasa Malaysia-only pages. It is all mixed. How do you expect foreigners to understand BM and English at the same time? I mean, there should be English-only pages to enable the UMS website to cater for the international surfers, and BM for local consumption. Go take a look at the website at http://www.ums.edu.my and you'd probably be embarassed as well.

Go to http://www.ums.edu.my/webv3/go.php?sect=fstud&p=studrep and you'll find the translation flawed.

The BM version reads as follows:

SESI 2005 / 2006


Mewujudkan budaya integrasi nasional dikalangan mahasiswa dan memperjuangkan hak mahasiswa.


Memastikan hak mahasiswa terbela dan mencapai integrasi nasional.




1. Menjadikan Rukun Negara sebagai landasan aktiviti kemahasiswaan
2. Membantu Mahasiswa mendapatkan hak sebagai mahasiswa.
3. Menjadikan PMUMS sebagai medium perantaraan Mahasiswa dan Pengurusan universiti.
4. Ke arah mewujudkan pengurusan yang sistematik dan kemantapan berorganisasi.
5. Membudayakan Mahasiswa yang seimbang dari segi intelek, rohani dan jasmani.



Menjadi satu medium interaksi bagi menyalurkan suara mahasiswa kepada pihak universiti dan kerajaan demi mempastikan hak mahasiswa terbela dan menyediakan aktiviti-aktiviti kemahasiswaan untuk melahirkan mahasiswa cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang


1. Mendengar dan mengenalpasti permasalahan mahasiswa.
2. Mengutarakan isu-isu mahasiswa kepada pihak yang berwajib.
3. Mencadangkan penyelesaian terhadap isu-isu yang telah diutarakan.
4. Mempastikan isu-isu yang telah dipersetujui dilaksanakan.
5. Mengkaji keberkesanan pelaksanaan dasar-dasar yang membabitkan kepentingan mahasiswa.
6. Menerapkan nilai-nilai murni dan sifat kepimpinan kepada mahasiswa dalam mengorganisasikan setiap aktiviti.


1. Menjadi landasan utama suara mahasiswa.
2. Merupakan medium pengantara mahasiswa universiti dan kerajaan.
3. Meneliti dan mengenengahkan isu demi membela kebajikan mahasiswa.
4. Mengeratkan integrasi nasional di kalangan mahasiswa.
5. Mempastikan mahasiswa mendapat manfaat dalam setiap aktiviti yang dijalankan.


1. Kurangnya komitmen dan penglibatan mahasiswa terhadap aktiviti yang dianjurkan.
2. Kurangnya kerjasama mahasiswa dalam mencadangkan dan menyelesaikan isu serta pelaksanaan dasar.
3. Keputusan dan pelaksanaan dasar yang melibatkan kepentingan mahasiswa tidak mengambilkira pandangan daripada wakil mahasiswa.
4. Penekanan pihak universiti dan kerajaan untuk menerima isu dan cadangan yang telah diutarakan.
5. Karenah birokrasi yang wujud menyebabkan cadangan penyelesaian masalah yang diputuskan gagal dilaksanakan sepenuhnya.

And the translation at http://www.ums.edu.my/webv3/go.php?sect=fstud&p=studrep&lang=_en reads as follows:

SESSION 2005 / 2006


To form national intergration culture among the under-graduates and to fight for under-graduates' right.


To ensure the right of the under-graduates to be define and to achieve national intergration.




1. To occur 'Rukun Negara' (National Principle) as a base to under-graduates' activities.
2. To assist under-graduates to get their right as an under-graduates.
3. To occur PMUMS as a medium between under-graduates and university's management.
4. Toward to form a systematic management and stable organization.
5. To form an under-graduate's culture with equality in intelectual, spiritual and physical aspect.



To be a medium of interaction to transfer the voice of under-graduates to the university and government for ensurance under-graduates' right being defend and to prepare under-graduates' activities to produce excellent, glorious and famed.


1. To listen and to ensure under-graduates' problems.
2. To state under-graduates issues to related parties.
3. To suggest solutions against the issues that being stated.
4. To ensure the issues that been agreed being enforce.
5. To study the efficiency of the policies enforcement include under-graduates' importance.
6. To engrave moral values and leadership to under-graduates in organising every activity.


1. To be the main base of under-graduates' voice.
2. As a medium among under-graduates, university and government.
3. To pay attention on the issue for under-graduates' welfare defendance.
4. To tighten national intergration among under-graduates.
5. To ensure under-graduates obtain benefits in every organized activity.


1. Lack of commitment and involvement of under-graduates in organized activities.
2. Lack of under-graduates' co-operation in suggesting and issue solving with policy enforcement.
3. The decisions and policies enforcement of student representative which related to under-graduates' importance not entertained.
4. To emphasizing and against university and government to accept issues and suggestions that had been stated.
5. Bureaucracy evidence that exist caused the suggestion of problem solutions that decided fail to fully enforce.
