Malays are second biggest group of clients for ‘Ah Long’

(Bernama) – The MCA Public Complaints Bureau received 65 appeals for help from Malays who had borrowed a total of more than RM2 million from loan sharks or ‘Ah Long’ since early this year.

The bureau’s head, Datuk Michael Chong said of the complainants comprised 40 and 25  women.

“A total of 341 cases were received from January until June this year and Chinese borrowers topped the list with 241 cases,” he said at a media conference at his office, here today.

He said the Malay borrowers were, generally, between the ages of 30 and 40, and were facing financial problems while some were involved in get-rich-quick schemes.

“For the other races, they borrowed for business purposes or gambling, but among the Malay borrowers, many were involved in the get-rich-quick schemes and there were some who owed the Ah Long more than RM700,000,” he said.

Chong revealed that the loan sharks were now adopting new tactic to collect debts  – by sending attractive and sexy women to the borrowers’ homes or business premises.

“These women will wait at the shops or homes of the borrowers to collect debt. The women will go to the borrowers’ homes or business premises repeatedly until the debt is paid,” he said.
