We have nothing to hide, says MACC chief

(The Star) – PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is conducting its own internal inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock’s death and will make public its findings.

MACC chief commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan said the commission had nothing to hide.

“We will reveal all. When we have all the facts ready, we will hold a press conference and give a full report,” he said.

Ahmad said the MACC would not be shaken by the attacks against it by political parties.

“Politicians can say what they like. But whatever they claim will not change the facts and evidence. The truth will be out soon,” he said.

He also chided those who had turned the incident into a racial issue.

Meanwhile, Suhakam is also carrying out its own investigation, the findings of which will determine whether it will conduct a full-scale public inquiry.

“The purpose is to gather all the facts, which will then be used to determine whether or not to hold a public inquiry,” said commissioner Datuk Dr Michael Yeoh yesterday.

Asked whether the MACC and others were bound to speak to Suhakam at this stage, Dr Yeoh replied: “Normally they would. But if they don’t, they will certainly have to at a public inquiry.”

In a statement, Suhakam disclosed that this was not the first complaint it had received against the MACC.

“In 2008, we recorded two complaints against MACC officers alleged to have used force when conducting investigations.

“The matter has been referred to the police and we have yet to receive a reply,” it said.

Suhakam also urged the Government to sign the UN convention against torture to show its commitment to addressing problems related to torture and degrading treatment, especially in light of Teoh’s death.

It noted that the long hours of questioning that Teoh had to endure could amount to mental torture.

Malaysian Bar president Ragunath Kesavan, meanwhile, called for the suspension of the officers involved in questioning Teoh or who had contact with him.

He also wanted all the investigation papers, diaries and logbooks seized to avoid allegations of tampering.
