Death at the corridors of MACC

By Sad Cafe

He was being questioned as a witness to a corruption case involving RM 2,400. Yes two thousand and four hundred ringgit as opposed to the RM 4 billion (PKFZ) and many more millions exposed cases involving the ruling party (Khir Toyo) which the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) has chosen to conveniently ignore.

For RM2400 the MACC questioned Teoh Beng Hock, 30, an aide of Selangor state executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah, throughout the night and the next morning he was found dead apparently after falling from some floors up the MACC building. Now, a lot of questions are being asked. Who is responsible? What drove him to jump if he did jump?

In The Sun today, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) advisory panel member Tan Sri Robert Phang, who revealed that the panel will meet on Thursday to discuss the case, said: "If a person has been detained and interrogated for more than six hours, past midnight and right up to early in the morning, I view this is abuse of power.

Teoh's family has also been reported to distrust any investigation results by MACC and by the Malaysian Police. How can you not side with them with the overwhelming evidence of the selective prosecution by MACC and our Polis whom have always gone after the opposition members, and even more so recently as the Malaysian government try their utmost best to bring down the present Selangor state government which is under opposition rule. (Perak being the other state recently won back by the ruling party using highly questionable tactics).

Call for Royal Commission? What good would it do as even the last RC resulted in no action taken against the infamous "king-maker" Lingam despite obvious evidence to prosecute him.

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