Teoh’s Child and The Little Napoleons

By Rotten Egg

This ruling/procedure of the NRD is the work of our familiar civil serpents, the little Napoleons. The NRD’s requirement for registering the birth of a child out of wedlock for non Muslims can be seen at their website. This is from their FAQ at: http://www.jpn.gov.my/BI/4_2_kelahiran.php.

4. Birth of a child outside marriage (illegitimate child)
(For non-Muslims with confirmed status)

A person claiming to be the father of the child and wanting to enter his name in the birth certificate. The father’s particulars will not be entered into the register of births, unless it is a joint application between the mother of the child and the person claiming to be the father. The person claiming to be the father of the child must sign the register together with the mother.

So I decided to dig further to discover what the real intention of Parliament was, in this subject of the registration of births in Malaysia. So I looked for the statute books on this matter and found the following link which reveals the actual Act of Parliament on the Registration of Births:



6. Registrar to record particulars
(1) A Registrar shall record such particulars as may be prescribed in a report book in the prescribed form concerning any birth or death given to him by any person qualified to do so.
(2) A Registrar may before recording the birth or death, put questions to the informant to satisfy himself of the occurrence of the birth or death, that the informant is qualified to give the information and that the birth was to or the death was that of a citizen of Malaysia.

9. Issue of certificate
(1) The Registrar General may on application in the prescribed form and on payment of the prescribed fee, issue to the applicant a certificate in the prescribed form containing the particulars recorded in the register.

10. Entry as evidence of birth or death
An entry in the register and a certificate purporting to be issued under section 9 and purporting to be made under the hand of the Registrar General or any person authorised by him shall be received without further or other proof as evidence of such facts and particulars relating to such birth or death as are prescribed to be and are recorded in the register.

13. Rules
(1) The Minister may make rules for carrying out or giving effect to the provisions of this Act.
(2) Notwithstanding and without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the Minister may make rules in respect of any or all the following matters:
(a) the form and contents of the registers, certificates, forms and other documents required and information to be supplied for the carrying out of the purpose of this Act;


So its self explanatory. All that is needed under the law is that the informant gives the information to the registrar and the registrar accepts that information. So in this case the mother of Teoh’s child just provides the information. If the Minister is insistent on following the rules of his little Napoleons, then it just goes to show that all that outpouring of sympathy was just a sham from the BN parties.

Read more at:  http://www.thoughts.com/rottenegg/blog/teohs-child-andamp-the-little-napoleons-343770/
