Ronnie: I’m also under “siege”

(MySinchew) – Selangor state executive councillor Ronnie Liu said he had come under "siege" from seven different forces, including from within his own party, because his showy way of doing things could have invited much dissatisfaction from his own comrades.

He told Sin Chew Daily during an exclusive interview that these seven forces came from the police, the MACC, Barisan Nasional, former Selangor menteri besar Datuk Seri Khir Toyo, as well as people from the three component parties of Pakatan Rakyat.

He said, "Among these seven different forces, some are actually the same group of people, and I roughly have some idea who is the mastermind behind all this."

He admitted that other than people outside his party, he also came under the pressure from people within his own party.

"Within my own party, there are people holding different political ideologies from me. I'm a very straightforward guy willing to express myself in almost everything. But there are people who do not think my way!"

He cited an example: On the lists of district and municipal councillors, people within his party were well aware that he did not have the absolute power to decide who should be in. However, he was made to take the blame when the lists failed.

"I'm not going to point out who, but a certain political party has failed to come out with the list, but I was made the scapegoat, which is not fair."

He said he refused to reveal the truth because he did not want to hurt his ally.

On the accusation that he collaborated with people involved in illegal activities and allowed his office to be used by them for meetings, Ronnie Liu responded, "This was done by people from the same camp and party. They spread the rumour without finding out the truth in order to tarnish my image."

He pointed out that people from his party were indeed involved, and he knew who they were. However, he refused to reveal their indentities because they were all comrades from the same party.

"We mustn't take things too lightly and must try to defend ourselves. Not everyone will understand the situation and if we do not clarify, people would think we admit our wrongdoing by remaining silent."

Ronnie Liu said he had exposed many perpetrators of scandals in the country even before he became a state executive councillor. Since he took over as the state Exco heading the Local Government, Study and Research Committee, he has often voiced out on behalf of the government and that made many people unhappy with him.

"I used to reveal the irregularities within BN and it is inevitable that people from the rival camp hate me very much and launch personal attacks on me."

However, he said many of the accusations towards him had been fabricated and immoral.

On a number of issues, such as the Damansara primary school, Bandar Mahkota and the high tension cable at Rawang New Village, Ronnie has found himself bump into the police, and that made him a natural target of the police.

As for the MACC, Ronnie frequently comes under attacks on issues such as the PKFZ scandal, the Chang Ming Thien Foundation and the Teoh Beng Hock incident.

He even said he once suspected that it was MACC which posted the untruthful allocation records of him and Ean Yong Hian Wah on the Internet, as only government authorities could possibly have this kind of information.
