HINDRAF will join hands with GMI for the Abolish ISA protest on 1.8.09

HINDRAF has been campaigning for the abolishment of ISA since the incarceration of the HINDRAF 5 – prisoners of conscience for 514 days.

Since the day one we are against this arbitrary Draconian Act that gives the Minister unfettered power under disguise against basic humanity that is protected by our constitution. 

HINDRAF had initiated countless demonstration and had faced unfair and unjust treatment from the police and government in pursuing the truth. We had carried out prayers, candle vigils, car convoy, hunger strike, handing over of memorandums and endless street demonstration urging the government to abolish ISA. Many of HINDRAF supporters also got arrested in the past for this good cause for all Malaysians.

HINDRAF will once again go to the field to support GMI, NGO’s and Pakatan Rakyat  who will join hand in submitting an Abolish ISA memorandum to the palace on 1st Aug 2009 at 1.00pm.

Although the HINDRAF 5 had been released we are very much committed to this cause as a NGO who fights for the human rights issue. HINDRAF urge all its supporters to join in this peaceful protest to mark their dissatisfaction on this Draconian Law which disregard human rights.

We also urge that the government not to play a lip service for political purpose to the awakened public on repeated media releases that they will amend or abolish the ISA.  If PM Dato Seri Najib is serious in looking into the welfare of Malaysians and enhance the One Malaysian concept inconsideration of the people’s plight, then he should just do it.

Abolishment of ISA is not a racial issue, but one that serves all Malaysians for the betterment of the nation with a just and fair cause without jeopardizing the human value and rights that is entrenched in the Federal constitution.

HINDRAF is fully in support of the initiative taken by GMI and its partners and shall mobilize its supporters on August 1, 2009 for the abolishment of ISA once and for all.

