May He be the Last….. A Memorial of Beng Hock “A Tribute and Time of Humane Reflection”

By Wong Chin Huat

A special memorial will be held tonight at KLSCAH, the 14th day of Beng Hock's death. But this is not one for him alone, but for all others who perished in custody – police lock-up, prison, detention camp.

We do not have the figures since the inception of Malaya or Malaysia. From 2003 to date, the number is 1,805 including Beng Hock. That is 23 deaths every month, or 3 deaths every four days.

One life lost is too much. Is it not? When Beng Hock died, many of us would like him to be the last. He did not make it. Another person, 31, just died in custody in Sentul hours later. Can we still feel indifferent? 
Come tonight to KLSCAH, in black. (Please avoid bright colours even if you don't have anything black.) Light a candle for the dead who should be living.

There will be no political speeches. 
There will be no religious ceremonies. 
There will be only tributes to the dead and reflections of the living.

Chin Huat
on behalf of 
Civil Rights Committee, 
Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall 
“Justice for Beng Hock” and “1BLACKMalaysia” Facebook groups

May He be the Last….. A Memorial of Beng Hock
"A Tribute and Time of Humane Reflection"

Date: 29 Jul 2009 (Wednesday)
Time : 8:45pm till 1030pm
Venue: 1st floor hall, KLSCAH, 1, Jalan Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur
Organised by
Civil Rights Committee, 
Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
Supported by
“Justice for Beng Hock” and “1BLACKMalaysia” facebook groups

No Political Speeches. Just tribute and reflection.
Please wear black and light a candle for Beng Hock and 1,804 others who died in custody since 2003.

Semoga Beliau Mangsa Yang Terakhir….. Upacara Pengenangan Beng Hock

"Penghormatan dan Masa Untuk Keinsafan Manusiawi”

Tarikh : 29 Jul 2009 (Rabu)

Masa : 8:45pm sampai 10:30pm

Tempat : Dewan Tingkat 1, Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor (KLSCAH), 1, Jalan Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur

Civil Rights Committee, 
Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall

Dengan sokongan
Kumpulan-kumpulan Facebook “Justice for Beng Hock” and “1BLACKMalaysia”

Tiada ucapan politik. Cuma penghormatan dan keinsafan.
Sila pakai baju hitam dan nyalakan lilin untuk Beng Hock dan 1,804 orang lain yang mati dalam tahanan pihak berkuasa sejak 2003.

让他成为最后一人 —-明福追思会
支援:“为明福讨公道”与“黑色大马”面子书(facebook )群组
请穿黑衣到来,为明福与自2003年来在扣留与监禁中死亡的另外 1,804人点一根蜡烛。
