Two lodge complaint against MCA chief

(The Sun Daily) – MCA delegates Datuk Theng Book and Wong Leong, the former "Save MCA campaigners", lodged a complaint with the party's disciplinary board today against president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat for tarnishing the party image.

Theng, who handed over a report with newspaper clippings, lamented that since Ong won the party presidency 10 months ago, "he had led us nowhere and the delegates are very upset to see the in-fighting between the top No. 1 and No.2 getting more intense day by day".

He said that under Article 1.4 of the party constitution, every party member must ensure the party image is protected.

"We are not anti-Ong but we have good grounds (to question) why action should be taken against him for tarnishing the party image," he said, adding that the grassroots' members only wanted to the top two leaders work together for the betterment of the party.

Theng, who is Puchong MCA vice-chairman, made the following charges:

> that Ong had allegedly and continuously attacked deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek on his sex DVD scandal last year although the latter had relinquished his posts as the health minister and party vice-president when the scandal was exposed last year. Ong had also failed to stop the disciplinary board to re-hear Chua's case as the case was already settled by the previous disciplinary board.

> Ong's open acknowledgement of the MCA integrity watch group (IWG), which was formed by "outsiders" that published statements that mainly attack Chua based on his scandal.

"I have observed that more than 70% of the statements published by the group were targeting Chua, this can be construed as an move to destroy the party image via an 'outside force' and Ong had failed to act against such group," he said.

> the reluctance of Ong not to lodge a police report on the threats he allegedly received over the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) report, such that this portrayed the country as being controlled by gangsters.

> a statement allegedly made by Ong that some people had tried to go from the back door just to be made minister.

Asked if they were worried about the consequences for going public after the party's presidential council had decided on Tuesday that disciplinary action will be taken against any member who made "detrimental" public statement, Theng said they were complying with the announcement as they were reporting on members who tarnished the party image.

Theng and Wong made their names in the MCA snoop squad incident last year which accused former party president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting of "spying" on his political enemies within the party.

The duo with other grassroots' leaders launched the "Save MCA" campaign to oust Ka Ting and his brother Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan, who was former secretary-general, during the party election last year.
