“Khidmat Hospital” project – the real motive

By Ronnie Klassen

Dr Chong Eng Leong was certainly right for questioning whether Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Hj Aman’s adamant decision and rush to convert the shabby Wisma Khidmat into a private hopital is really for the benefit of the people of Sabah at large, or for the privileged few.

I also fully concur with Dr Chong for saying that if the State government really cares for the people’s welfare like what it always claimed, it should perhaps get the Sabah Credit Corporation (SCC), a Government-linked Company (GLC) which owns the Wisma Khidmat, to provide loan to the Ministry of Health (MoH) to construct more government hospitals in Sabah.

Minister of Health,Datuk Liow Tiong Lai (pic below left),during his recent visit to Sabah to oversee the seriousness on the status of Queen Elizabeth Hospital,was also brief by Musa Aman (pic right)(who appears to portray himself as a medical expert)on the conversation of Wisma Khidmat into a private medical facility.The Health Minister had clearly indicated that the Federal Government has no interest in his plan,to convert the abandon Wisma Khidmat into a hospital.

Dr.Chong was therefore absolutely right for saying that questions are abound surrounding this private hospital project, in particular over its real motive. Many of whom I’ve spoken to, including those from the medical fraternity, over the issue in the last few weeks were skeptical and scornful of Musa's decision to rush to complete the project within one year.

A majority of them were of the opinion that the real motive behind the project is the RM100 million and probably more that would come once the project is implemented.

Read more at: “Khidmat Hospital” project – the real motive
