The anti people tactics of Ramasamy and Guan Eng

By Naragan N

These are no democrats we are dealing with here. They are using tactics which are plainly anti-people. This is exactly the tactics employed by Umno and MIC all these years. Bully, bully and bully the people, using the laws, the courts, the administration, the gangsters, the FRU , the Special Branch, the media and all the other instruments of control – to bully and to control.

First let me quote from the report from the Star, some excerpts of an interview with Ramasamy. Then I will comment on it.

The Star 30th July 2009
GEORGE TOWN: Kampung Buah Pala villagers will get a double-storey house each and a community hall under a proposal mooted by the state government.

Deputy Chief Minister II Dr P. Ramasamy said if the villagers accept the proposal, the state would negotiate an extension of the Aug 3 deadline to demolish the village.

“We will also lift the revocation of development order,” he said…………

Dr Ramasamy said the state expects to receive the proposal from developer Nusmetro Ventures (P) Sdn Bhd by today.

“We hope to reach an amicable solution on the Kampung Buah Pala issue when we present the developer’s proposal to the villagers at Komtar on Saturday.

“There will be no lawyers involved,” he said, adding that the villagers were free to make a decision whether to accept the offer……………….

My comments:
The double storey house he speaks about means the way of life of 5 – 6 generations of a community will be wiped out. The only Indian Heritage Village life in the State will be gone forever. So much for all the talk and fuss about preserving the Heritage in the Pearl of the Orient of Guan Eng. I guess Heritage must have some racial connotation before it can be considered Heritage. Now does that sound familiar in our beloved 1Malaysia?

Be that as it may, the compensation now offered by the developer/state does not at all recognise the rights of the villagers as the owners of the land. The land has been robbed from them, even the State government acknowledges this; but yet there is no recognition in the compensation being offered to them.

It is becoming clearer by the day that Ramasamy is just playing a Mandore's role par excellence to help the Developer take the land for a steal. And he is, in this thirteenth hour, still browbeating the villagers of Kg Buah Pala into accepting a deal the developer and the state government had worked out to effectively steal the land from the villagers. He says if the villagers accept the proposal "… the state would negotiate an extension of the Aug 3 deadline to demolish the village." What he is effectively saying without actually saying it, is that the State will allow the demolition on the 3rd of August, if the villagers do not accept their offer.

Is that not browbeating? Browbeating the people into submission, the very people he is supposed to protect from such trickery and bullying. If you look at the history of this Dr.Ramasamy, he has projected himself as the champion of the Indian poor. But what is he doing now – who is he championing? The Indian poor?  What is the difference between him and all the mandores of the past?

Further he adds that there will be no lawyers involved in the meeting with the villagers on Saturday the 1st of August. I think I have to clarify what he means here. What he means is that the Kg Buah Pala folks cannot have their lawyers present, but the State government will have some of the most experienced lawyers present.

In the last meeting on the 24th of July, Lawyers Karpal Singh was there, RSN Rayer was there speaking, interpreting the law and the implications of the cases to the villagers. But the villagers were forbidden from having their lawyer present.This is simply outrageous. Let him understand this, he is joining hands with Guan Eng, the Developer and the Koperasi and becoming accomplices in executing the fraud using such bullying tactics.

These are no democrats we are dealing with here. They are using tactics which are plainly anti-people. This is exactly the tactics employed by Umno and MIC all these years. Bully, bully and bully the people, using the laws, the courts, the administration, the gangsters, the FRU , the Special Branch, the media and all the other instruments of control – to bully and to control.

Only thing here is that the current DAP State government does not have all this at their disposal. Imagine what would be the case, if they did have all these instruments of control at their disposal. If they did, they will be just like UMNO and MIC. Who knows, maybe even worse.

It is time Guan Eng and Ramasamy realize what they are effectively doing. Look at what happened to Khir Toyo in Selangor where the poor people threw him out lock, stock and barrel because he toyed around with them – just like this. If they – Guan Eng and Ramasamy – have any hope of remaining in power after the next GE, they must stop behaving in this anti-people way and start behaving like the Socialists they are supposed to be or have projected themselves to be.

Because the people will ultimately see the truth – even though now Guan Eng and Ramasamy are spinning this story differently.

Viva la Makkal.
