Bar Council invites govts to join ‘MyConstitution’ campaign

(Bernama) – The Malaysian Bar has invited the federal and state governments, academic institutions, non-governmental organisations and media organisations to join its “MyConstitution Campaign.”

Edmund Bon, chairman of the Constitutional Law Committee (ConstiLC), said they needed support to promote the campaign.

“For the first time in the history of the Malaysian Bar, the Bar Council this term (2009-10) formed a ConstiLC to entrench constitutional study and promote constitutionalism as part of the Bar’s already wide-ranging initiatives in society.

“The ConstiLC has adopted a two-year Blueprint 2009-11, which sets out the committee’s programme.

“Our core initiative is to conduct a first-of-its-kind aim of the campaign to educate and empower the rakyat (people) and create greater awareness about the Federal Constitution,” he told a news conference here Friday.

The ConstiLC’s vision and mission is to promote the concept of constitutionalism and the rule of just law; raise awareness of and educate the rakyat on provisions of the Federal Constitution and thereby empower them; and document and respond to constitutional issues that arise.

“Our mission is also to conduct research on matters relating to the Federal Constitution and State Constitutions and where necessary, make recommendations for constitutional reform.

“It is also to assist and advise the Bar Council on constitutional matters,” he added.

As part of the campaign, Bon said, the committee would embark on producing a series of public-service video advertisements on selected provisions of the Federal Constitution, publishing a series of pocket-sized books on its different parts, hosting a series of awareness-raising programmes and publishing articles on it.

He added that the focus of the campaign would be on explaining important concepts and themes of the Federal Constitution.

“I trust that this initiative will be of immense benefit to the people of Malaysia.

“Discussions on the finer details of the campaign have begun and the official launch will take place soon, expected in September,” he said.
