ISA Might Be Amended At Next Dewan Rakyat Sitting – Hishammuddin

(Bernama) — The Internal Security Act (ISA) might be amended at the next sitting of the Dewan Rakyat, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.

However, he said, it would depend when a study carried out by legal officers and discussions with interested groups were completed.

"If they do not agree with the proposed amendment, we will give them more time before tabling the bill," he told reporters after opening the Rasah Umno division delegates meeting here Saturday.

Hishammuddin said he had received a draft of the bill and regretted that the opposition chose to stage an anti-ISA demonstration in the capital today.

The government had promised to amend the ISA and any demand should be made through negotiations and not street protests or riots, he added.

"We can discuss it and the opposition can raise their sore points. A proposal to change the ISA acronym as suggested by Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zahid Hamidi was also deliberated.

"The amendment will be based on the views of the people, not through pressures applied through demonstrations.

"We will amend appropriate regulations but certain things could not be compromised, especially with regard to the national security," he added.

On the demonstration, Hishammuddin said he did not think the opposition was sincere as the shouts and slogans on the placards had nothing to do with the ISA.

"The people will know who are consistent and sincere. I am not saying the laws made by human beings are perfect," he said.
