The govt will not abolish ISA: Nazri

Legal action will be taken against tertiary students found taking part in anti or pro ISA gatherings, says Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin

The Star

The government has no intention of abolishing the Internal Security Act (ISA), a law that has ensured stability in the country, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said Saturday.

He said amendments aimed at ensuring ISA was not abused, including reducing the detention period without trial from 60 days to 30 days, could however be considered.

“The ISA is a necessary law,” said Nazri, after launching the Papar Umno membership recruitment drive and website in Papar town.

He said Barisan Nasional lawmakers would also not bow to any attempts by the opposition for a motion to abolish the ISA in Parliament.

“As long as Barisan Nasional is leading the government, the ISA will not be abolished,” Nazri said when asked about the anti ISA rally in Kuala Lumpur Saturday.

He said the rally was another attempt by opposition groups to undermine the administration of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

“The Prime Minister enjoys the popularity and support of the people. This is just another way for the opposition to try to chip away this support,” Nazri added.

Meanwhile, Bernama reported that Legal action would be taken against tertiary students found participating in anti or pro ISA gatherings, said Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin. "If there are students involved in the gatherings and if they allow themselves to be victimised and used for other people's agenda, I will not protect them," he told reporters after opening the Asean Universities Build and Break Competition 2009 in Bangi Saturday.
