She’s Definitely Not My Type

By G. Krishnan

What exactly are the central hallmarks and characteristics of an authoritarian regime? I mean we all have some rough ideas, right? But exactly what does it take for a regime to be characterised as authoritarian?

Being not very smart, I decided I needed to educate my self a bit more. You see, I have been especially intrigued that the BN and Umno cronies seem to do a good job of masquerading and disguising themselves as committed to democracy. Yet, for some strange reason, I have had this lingering feeling that they not only don’t defend democratic values, they are actually actively enforcing authoritarian control.

But that got me wondering: What exactly are the central hallmarks and characteristics of an authoritarian regime? I mean we all have some rough ideas, right? But exactly what does it take for a regime to be characterised as authoritarian? Do I know? I had to be honest with myself; as I said, I had some idea but I could not confidently say I fully grasped what makes a regime authoritarian.

So I thought I’d get a little fancy and look it up. Here’s what I learned and you can go to this link for a more detailed description. For now, here are ten especially revealing characteristics of authoritarianism:

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