Hidup Rakyat! Mansuhkan ISA! Mampoi BN!

The People's Parliament

Malaysianinsider reports that, following upon the anti-ISA rally on Saturday, Minister Nazri Aziz said that  ‘As long as Barisan Nasional is leading the government, the ISA will not be abolished’.

Well, Nazri, some 5,000 of those who rallied and who were able to make their way to the PAS headquarters at Jalan Raja Laut had this to say to you and your colleagues :

Hidup Rakyat! Mansuhkan ISA! Mampoi BN!

Again and again they chanted this, even as the call came from the Pakatan leaders assembled just outside the PAS HQ for the rally participants to disperse.

And if you think this was a PAS crowd, Nazri, I’d urge you to take a closer look at the photos here and the numerous other blogs that are carrying the news of yesterday’s people power gathering.

Yes, Nazri, as  long as BN is in government!

Get your boss to call for a fresh general election a month from now if you dare!

