The problem with the MACC

By Deborah Loh, The Nut Graph

RUSHED through Parliament in haste, it was only a matter of time before weaknesses in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act would emerge.

Tragically, it took a death to re-open the debate on an institution formed only six months ago.

Back when the MACC Bill was being debated, there appeared to be little fuss about the lack of procedures for the arrest and interrogation of persons. The prevailing concern was over the MACC's independence. Objections were raised against the commission's deference to the Attorney-General because Section 58 of the Act states that charges can only be pressed with the public prosecutor's consent.

Teoh Beng Hock's death has thrown a spotlight on a lacuna in the MACC Act with regards to how and when detainees are to be questioned. Even laws governing the police are better, some lawyers are now saying. Indeed, the MACC Act contains little in the way of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) and the Police Lock-up Rules in terms of defining a detainee's or suspect's rights.

Clear abuse

Does this lack of specifics give MACC officers free reign to question a witness, or even a suspect, into the wee hours of the morning?

In such cases where an Act is silent on those rights, other laws on the subject should apply, says the Bar Council's criminal law committee head, Rajpal Singh.

"This is understood from all previous case laws. If all other laws are silent, you then refer to common law principles in England," he tells The Nut Graph in a phone interview.

The relevant laws would be Rule 20 of the Police Lock-up Rules 1953, and Section 28 of the CPC. The first stipulates that detainees should be kept behind bars from 6:30pm to 6:30am. In other words, no interrogation should be carried out during this time, and detainees are allowed to rest. In the CPC, a person arrested must be told of the grounds of arrest, be allowed to contact a relative, friend or family member, and be given access to a lawyer at the place of detention.

Baljit (Pic courtesy of Baljit Singh)

Criminal lawyer Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu says MACC has "clearly abused its power" in Teoh's case. "If these are the rules for suspects, what more for a witness? If MACC says he was a witness, why was he detained until 3:45am? That in itself is already fatal on MACC's part," Baljit, who is also Federal Territory Gerakan's legal adviser, tells The Nut Graph.

Hence, the suit filed by Kajang municipal councillor Tan Boon Wah against the MACC for illegal detention will be a good test case, notes Rajpal. Tan says he was held for questioning from 8:30pm to 1:35pm the following day. His suit is on the grounds that he should only be questioned during government working hours from 8:30am to 5pm, even though the MACC Act doesn't stipulate a time frame.

"How will the court decide on this lacuna? Will it consider the Police Lock-up Rules applicable? Tan's suit is crucial because what the court decides will apply to Teoh's case," Rajpal says.

