Umno man says Utusan’s article does not help Umno court PAS

By Adib Zalkapli, The Malaysian Insider

Umno supreme council member Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah said today the article published in Utusan Malaysia calling the Malays “cowards” will not help the party’s efforts in bringing PAS closer to the Malay nationalist party.

“I think the term ‘bacul’ (coward) is too harsh,” Saifuddin told The Malaysian Insider.

“Many among the Malays want to see Umno and PAS work together, so articles such as this one is not appropriate at a time when attempts are made to start a negotiation between Umno and PAS,” said the deputy higher education minister.

“I hope there won’t be anymore articles like this,” said Saifuddin.

Utusan Malaysia today published an article entitled ‘Melayu Jangan Jadi Bacul’ (Malays must not be coward ) written by Noor Azam.

The writer slammed PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and other Malay leaders in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) for allegedly allowing themselves to be used by DAP leaders to achieve its agenda.

He also called Malay leaders cowards for not reacting to to the demands made by the non-Malays, by choosing only to issue press statements or to make police reports.

“Under normal circumstances, making press statements is sufficient,” said Saifuddin.

He added that it is not fair for the writer to urge Malay leaders to do the same things as done by those on the other side of the political divide.

“I am very concern with the writer’s conclusion at the end of his article, if the other side does something wrong, do we have to do the same?” asked Saifuddin.

The article had concluded with a suggestion that Malay leaders should do more than just lodge police reports or make press statements in response to perceived challenges from non-Malays to the political and administrative powers held by the Malay community.
