Economy Tak Boleh? 1Malaysia Semua Pun Boleh…

By Khoo Kay Peng

Some REAL news update:

  1. Malaysia's exports, the mainstay of the economy, fell 22.6 percent year on year in June
  2. Foreign investment has also seen a big dip this year, with foreign direct investment for the first five months stood at RM4.2 billion compared to RM46 billion in 2008.

Yet, here are the RESPONSES:

  1. DPM supports Utusan's articles on race uprising and stirring
  2. 1Malaysia as the new buzzword…boom, boom, alakaboom…Malaysia's economic woes are gone! The whole world will be impressed!

Read more here: Economy Tak Boleh? 1Malaysia Semua Pun Boleh…
