Cops told to investigate ‘new details’ in Teoh case

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid and Debra Chong , The Malaysian Insider

The police have been asked by a coroner’s inquest to investigate “two new details” which could prove significant in learning how Teoh Beng Hock died, lawyer Gobind Singh Deo told reporters today after the court visited Plaza Masalam here, where the DAP man was interrogated by graft busters before being found dead.

But Gobind, who is representing Teoh’s family, stopped short of disclosing what the details are, merely stating that the police have been asked to investigate the newly found evidence.

“I would just leave it for the police to investigate them. That is the appropriate thing to do,” he said.

He explained that investigations into Teoh’s death could still continue even at this point because “police had not embarked on an investigation of murder, or a non-accidental death, which could mean he was pushed.”

Gobind added they were now waiting for a written reply from foreign forensic experts who may be called in next week to aid the inquest.

Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, who is representing the Pakatan Rakyat-run state government in the inquest, said there were still many questions left unanswered over the circumstances surrounding Teoh’s death.

The state is keeping an open mind on the possible causes of his death and have not ruled out the fact that he may not have fallen to death, as is widely-speculated, he said.

It is for that reason that the state is sharing resources with Teoh’s family, he added.

Malik said they have sent the preliminary reports from the police, including the autopsy and forensic reports to two experts in Thailand and Australia respectively and hoped to receive their written views over the weekend.

