PR Will Not Form The Next Government

By Simon Templar

Rumour in town is that the next General Elections may be as early as mid next year. I don't know how true that is but that's what I heard.

If that is true, then Najib has hit the bulls-eye. PR will not be able to control more than half the parliament. It will also lose back a few states. That's how I see it if the next GE is indeed held in less than a year's time. Let’s explore my predictions a little more.

Penang. Lim Guan Eng is a good man. A down to earth leader who looks out for the interests of the people. But he is not a strong leader. He has not yet woken up to the fact that he is no longer the opposition. Blaming predecessors and the federal government will not solve his problems. He is simply not creative in tackling issues. It will be difficult to see Penang flourish under his leadership. But he is lucky that Penangites' hatred for BN is so strong that he will retain office come the next GE.

As to the Jeff Ooi issue, let’s see how LGE tackles this. JO did a boo boo and should do the necessary – apologise. And be reprimanded so as to set a precedent.

Kelantan. Manek Urai is not a good yard stick. With a small number of voters, UMNO was able to rain cash on the land. At a GE level, no way. But PAS has always has this faction problem. Central PAS is simply unable to control their state level leaders/representatives. And the unity government bullshit. I put that down to weak leadership. And hence the unending headaches for PAS leadership. Crack the whip! PAS is a cowboy party with no discipline.

Even a 5 year old knows that PAS is full of UMNO spies. Why that has never been tackled remains a mystery alongside the UFOs and bigfoot. Are they leaving it to god to resolve their problems? God will only help those who help themselves. Nevertheless, Kelantan will remain with PAS because Kelantan is Kelantan. 

