‘Injury time’ before Pakatan takes over Sarawak

(Malaysian Mirror) – Pakatan Rakyat is giving the state Barisan Nasional ‘injury time’ before it takes over the Sarawak Government, Anwar Ibrahim declared here last night.

“We are giving them ‘injury time’. If there is no score, then we will win on ‘penalty kicks’,” he said, adding that when the state election comes, Pakatan will take over Sarawak.”

Speaking at a dinner in Kampung Sudoh, a Bidayuh village near here, the opposition icon exhorted the people of Bau to come and work together in the opposition coalition to make a difference.

“We must not only hope and wait for BN leaders to do something to make our lives better. That cannot work, we have to make the changes ourselves” Anwar said.

Blackmail Umno and PBB

Bau, just 20km from Kuching, is the heartland of the Bidayuhs who are noted to be the most politically articulated community among the Dayaks. They have voted for many opposition candidates in the past but had also backed the government on several crucial occasions.

anwar front image.jpgCalling Bidayuhs “heroes”, Anwar said that they had dared to stand up to defend their rights, their land and their way of life. 

They had been BN supporters for the past 46 years and had been grossly mistreated and neglected, he said, pointing out that they are now brave enough to come out and join PKR.

“Umno and PBB leaders are now frightened of the trend that many young Bidayuhs are joining PKR in droves. So they gave the Bidayuhs RM4 million, even though they have never asked for it in order to stop them from supporting PKR.

“But what is RM4 million, you should ask for RM8 million. If they give RM8 million, they you ask for RM16 million and you should continue to blackmail Umno and PBB leaders so that more will be forthcoming,” Anwar said.

“Bidayuhs are really smart and they are heroes,” he said to the applause of more than 2,000 Bidayuhs at the dinner.

The dinner was organised in conjunction with the opening of PKR Mas Gading Service Centre in Bau by Anwar.

At the dinner, Anwar received 800 applications to join PKR, the majority of them are young people and ex-civil servants. Last week 500 applications forms from Mas Gading PKR division have been sent to PKR headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

Anwar said that during the State BN’s 46-year rule, it had never helped the poor; instead they helped themselves and their families by squandering the wealth of the state.

“Sarawak and Sabah are the richest states in Malaysia and yet the people of the two states are the poorest. But their chief ministers are the richest chief ministers in Malaysia,” he said.

'You are part of the struggle'

New recruit and former MCA veteran Chua Jui Meng who accompanied Anwar told the gathering why he left MCA and joined PKR.

chua-jui-meng-2.png“I believe that PKR is fighting for all peoples with its many reform plans. And I believe Anwar can do it,” he said, pointing out that it was his wish to see that the country is reformed so that all races can stand tall and proudly say they are Malaysians.

Earlier Anwar had a brief meeting with Bidayuh leaders from Serian, Mambong and Mas Gading divisions and told them that they were part of struggle to bring change and reform to Sarawak.

“We are here to help you. The Dayaks have been marginalized far too long. Let us work together to bring change. You are part of the struggle,” he said.

Earlier, Anwar was given a traditional Bidayuh welcoming ceremony on his arrival at the village.

Interestingly, just this week, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has directed his Cabinet minister to visit Sarawak regularly in order to understand the problems there and help the people in the state.
