IGP ordered to Finish Off Raja Petra By Awal Muharram 2009


Yes, Raja Petra’s life is a grave danger. Our trusted source Captain Malaysia alerted us that the Inspector General Musa Hassan was pressured to clamp down blogs and blog owners starting with Raja Petra.

The Ultimatum: Either Malaysia Today shuts down or Raja Petra is terminated by December 18, 2009.

Our source also stressed that the order came from a higher power and Musa Hassan was initially against this. (we stress that the higher power mentioned is NOT GOD)

Apparently, the line was crossed when Raja Petra Blog featured an article of an alleged beating of a suspect in custody, subsequently posting another beating in custody too, this time involving several indian youths as oppose to a malay/indonesian suspect. Things caught on quickly when others quickly joined in promoting videos of Teoh’s alleged torture.

Raja Petra’s Blog, Malaysia Today, is still operational despite threats and ISA arrests towards him. However, it currently being managed by Shan, a respectable blog administrator believed from the USA.

Another Blog SJS AndTeam was also shutdown to protect its Team & Readers after being tracked down by the IGP’s Office. Very soon, Umno related websites were celebrating over the Scare Tactic used to take down this website. They are planing to take down other smaller websites in a similar way.

A Team of Special Branch Police Officers, IT Experts & Lawyers have been set up to track 404 Blogs that have any presence in Malaysia & against the Barisan Nasional Government. Among the blogs in the list are Malaysia Today, [REMOVED DUE TO REQUEST], SJSAndTeam etc.

At this stage, we are not sure of their intention & we will monitor the Monitors very closely. We would provide you the list of all 404 Blogs & inform you personally for your safety.

We understand that Raja Petra does not enjoy the privileges of the royal families as he would have & he in on his own in a far away land. Stay Safe & take care of your family.

We will provide you a concrete story of SJS And Team, as we have some rumors at the moment.

