DAP’s Ronnie Liu next on MACC list

By Neville Spykerman, The Malaysian Insider

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) have trained their sights on DAP’s Ronnie Liu.

The Pandamaran lawmaker’s special assistant Wong Chuan How, who is in charge of disbursing state allocations for the Barisan Nasional-held Sementa constituency, was scheduled to be interviewed by the anti-graft agency this evening.

The current assemblyman for Sungai Pelek is MCA’s Yap Ee Wah.

Liu, who is the executive councillor in charge of local government, denied news reports that his special assistant had gone missing.

“That is just a lie,” said Liu who added that he had earlier wanted Wong to hold a press conference to dispel the rumours but it had to be cancelled due to time constraints.

He said Wong would be interview at his service centre in Sungai Pelek and will be accompanied by a lawyer.

Wong had previously lodged a police report against an anonymous blog which claimed that he was a contractor who was awarded over 80 projects in the constituency.
