Dr M challenges Barisan to retake Selangor and other PR-held states

(The Star) KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional can retake Selangor and other Pakatan Rakyat states if it can prove it is a better alternative to the current state governments.

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said Barisan however should not be complacent and think it could win in the next general election due to Pakatan’s infighting in the recent months.

“If this alternative is not good and we do not deliver on the promises made, the rakyat in disappointment will still choose the opposition. Whether they can govern or not is another matter,” he said after speaking at a forum organised by the Federation of Malay Economic Bodies.

Dr Mahathir, who led the country for 22 years, said the opposition won in five states in the last general election not because the people liked them or thought they could form a better government.

“They won because the people were fed up with the leadership then,” he said.

He echoed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s view that Pakatan might not last because of glaring fundamental differences in their component parties’ ideology and political stances.

“Of course we don’t expect these people to be able to run the country. How can they work together when they have such opposing stands on many issues?” he asked.

He said DAP and PAS were being made use of by PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to fulfil his dream of becoming prime minister.

“Anwar are using these two parties so that he can succeed. These people are all being made use of by him,” he said.

On the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English, Dr Mahathir warned that Barisan Nasional could stand to lose heavily in the next general election for revising the policy.

Dr Mahathir, who initiated the change to use English for teaching Science and Mathematics, asserted that there were still many parents who wanted to retain the policy.

He also criticised the Government for not taking advantage of computer technology to ensure the success of the policy.

“I have given my suggestions but the Education Ministry did not act on them.

“You can’t teach Science and Mathematics in English with the present teachers because they don’t understand English,” he said.

“You can use computer software which will teach both the students and the teachers.”
