How long can Pakatan Rakyat survive?

Of course, Pakatan will not let the prophecy come true. It is going to hold a meeting 13 August in order to eliminate internal differences and decide its future direction. For political interests, PKR, DAP and Keadilan will tolerate no matter how and they will not easily separate. 

By LIM SUE GOAN/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily

Premier League betting companies offer soccer fans a variety of betting approaches. Other than the winning and losing odds, fans may bet whether the coach will be sacked or how many championships can the Manchester United win. If you bet, when do you think Pakatan Rakyat will collapse?

Pakatan Rakyat leaders ambitiously wish to replace BN and take over the federal regime in the next general elections. But Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin gave Pakatan Rakyat a “life-span” of one to two years, means that Pakatan Rakyat is unable to sustain until the next general elections.

Muhyddin came out with such a prediction based on the outburst of Pakatan’s internal contradictions. It is not organized and has no discipline. Such a scenario has greatly increased Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s confidence. He vowed to win the next general elections and retrieve the the county’s lifeline – Selangor.

Of course, Pakatan will not let the prophecy come true. It is going to hold a meeting 13 August in order to eliminate internal differences and decide its future direction. For political interests, PKR, DAP and Keadilan will tolerate no matter how and they will not easily separate.

If the situation really leads to a split, they will not fully collapse. It is because there are serious contradictions between DAP and PAS, but the two parties can still cooperate with PKR. However, the breakup of DAP and PAS will first lose the Selangor regime. But under the circumstances in which PKR works separately with the other two parties, they can still keep the Penang, Kelantan and Kedah regimes.

The cooperation between DAP and PAS in the past benefited PAS the most. During the 1990 general elections, PAS gained the Kelantan state regime and the party won Terengganu in 1999. But for DAP, it suffered a painful experience particularly in 1999. Under the shadow of the Islamic Country concept, DAP suffered a great defeat. DAP then decided to draw a clear line between them and it had no choice but again, to cooperate after the 8 March general elections. DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang and Chairman Karpal Singh might again break with PAS for their principles. But this time, it will affect PKR the most as it will lose the position of Selangor Menteri Besar, and it will worry opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim the most.

However, BN should not lower its guard just because Pakatan is about to split. Never forget that before Pakatan was formed, many voters were dissatisfied with BN’s governance, causing it to lose its two-thirds majority and five state regimes.

Even if Pakatan no longer exists, the three member parties would not be dissolved and voters may still vote for the Opposition. If Pakatan, which has been clearly investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), can sustain until the next general elections, at least it would be stronger in terms of incorruptibility. Therefore, BN has not yet resolved the crisis.

Of course, UMNO does not underestimate Anwar. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have asked its members to repeatedly criticised Anwar as a traitor to Malays.

Both BN and Pakatan have been concentrated on political power over the past year. Everything they did was meant for a political goal. Such a pan-politicisation phenomenon has been so annoying and when can we get a fresh political force?
