Khairy defends Utusan and attacks DAP for being racists

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian Insider

Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin believes that the public has been unfair in targeting only Utusan Malaysia and accused DAP of being responsible for racial tensions.

“We should not only fault one party. I think all parties must respect one another, what we hear from every side are emotions from every race. I hope that there would not be any party whether it be Utusan or other papers that will stir up emotions,” he said.

Khairy was surprised that he has been accused of being a divisive leader when he only wanted to raise issues that are felt by the Malay and Muslim community.

The Rembau MP stressed that Malaysians should not be too sensitive and learn to respect the interests of other communities.

“I will not accuse MCA or Gerakan if they bring up issues that involve their race like Chinese schools or the use of Chinese language. I do not say that they are racists,” he said.

Khairy added that Malaysians should not be quick to label people as racists.

“We don’t want people like Jeff Ooi calling Islam extremist,” he said.

He told reporters at PWTC that it was clear that the opposition led by DAP was the irresponsible party that began this racial labelling.

“We only want to protect Malay rights and not attack other people but DAP likes to attack,” he said.

Khairy also ridiculed Pakatan Rakyat (PR) because the coalition is not registered.

