Kit Siang, look at your own backyard first

A veteran of Machiavellian politics, Lim Kit Siang defended one of his DAP subordinates in an article entitled – “Why has Najib condoned the Umno-inspired hysteria and gunning for Loke Siew Fook for insulting the Perak royalty and Islam when these allegations are completely groundless?”

It is not surprising at all because by now, almost everyone who are well versed with the racist approach of the opposition will recognise that whatever the opposition (including their bloggers) do, it cannot be criticised at all.

Moreover, the opposition in particular the DAP, is the party with the most frequent attempt to ask for an apology from everyone. You must apologise this, you must apologise that.

(Anwar Ibrahim meanwhile is trying to make it to the Guinness Book of World Records with the  highest amount of lawsuits one man could attempt in his lifetime!)

Of course, as is the norm with conceited and self-centred people, they in turn have never apologised for any slander, wild accusations or public condemnation they had thrown to their political rivals. Ultra kiasu and bigots like them could never lower themselves to apologise to the people they consider beneath them. Right?

For instance, in the latest debacle involving Jeff Ooi and JIM recently, a blogger called Lawyer Kampung had put it rather aptly when dealing with these type of people. He said:

By the way YB Jeff, a retraction of the statement does not mean you are absolved from all possible blame in making such statement. You may not mean it but it does not take purpose and intention in a statement like that to offend the people, especially if you are a politician and a public figure. There is a secret in order to avoid situation like that in future, if I may say so, and it is call tact. But I know that you know that too YB, being a politician, the Chief of Staff of Penang state government and all.

To offer a bare denial together with (an oversimplify) statement retraction, not apologizing and further threatened to sue as if trying to sweep everything under the carpet in one desperate move, is not the level of finesse one would expect from a politician, a leader and public figure such as yourself in a delicate situation such as this. Forgive me YB for repeating, it is all about being tactful.




In other words, those who live in a glass house should not throw stones.

