Death at MACC: My CSI findings VIII

By Dr. Rafick

When I first started writing about my CSI series, I had made it clear that what I wrote is on the basis of information available in the public domain.  The biggest clue lies in the series of photos of the late TBH that was published in several blogs. Over the period of time I got more pictures and made a deeper unbiased analysis. I am not and expert but merely sharing some of my knowledge on what could possibly happen based on the available information.

2.   There were several people who attacked me for what I wrote. They did not provide the basis for their opposition but merely opposing my views based on their own emotions. Some made cynical, racial comments. However I must say that I am very appreciative of the hundreds of readers that contribute professionally and had articulated their argument professionally why they agree or disagree with me. These people challenged my theory professionally and had articulated their points well.

3.   Some readers emailed me and asked me why I had stopped writing on TBH. The reason was simply I had been busy with work and trying to find a solution for 2000 house buyers that is left in a lurch by a company that has Tan Sri Chan As Chye unofficial mark all over it.  I had wanted to hear what inquest can offer. In my writing I had theorize that the TBH exited the 14th floor and at the time he left the window he was either already dead or unconscious. The time of exit was estimated between 600 am to 700am.

4.   Let us now compare what I had written and what the inquest had elucidated so far. From my earlier writing I believe that he left the window between 6am to 700 am on the fateful day. To make things easier for the readers to follow, I will structure my writings based on certain key elements that is related to the death.

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