‘Mr Correct, Correct, Correct’ is back

(Malaysian Mirror) – Two years ago, Malaysians were somewhat entertained to the Lingam tape affair which produced the popular catch-phrase ‘correct, correct, correct’.

Although the video tape, showing prominent lawyer VK Lingam on the phone with a sitting Chief Justice then, became a serious controversy, it nevertheless was value for entertainment too. ‘Correct, correct, correct’, one of Lingam’s habitual expressions, even became a popular mobile ring tone.

The controversy even catapulted the unknown maker of the video, Loh Gwo-Burne, into an overnight sensation when he won the Kelana Jaya parliamentary seat in the March 2008 general election.

lingam 2.jpgNow, ‘Mr Correct, Correct, Correct’ is back in the news. The only difference is that there will be nothing comedic this time.

The Bar Council wants to haul him up for disciplinary charges.

Disciplinary action from the Bar

Malaysiakini quoted Bar Council secretary George Varughese as saying that the hearing will be before the Advocates & Solicitors Disciplinary Board.

"The hearing is still at the planning stages and will be convened soon," he said.

The Advocates & Solicitors Disciplinary Board has binding powers to regulate the conduct of legal professionals. According to Section 93 of the Act, it can "strike off the roll and suspend" those found guilty of misconduct.

The disciplinary hearing is the initial action against Lingam when he was caught in a video recording discussing the appointment of judges over the phone.

According to the report, Varughese also confirmed that some of the witnesses who testified during last year's Royal Commission of Inquiry inquiry have been contacted to testify in the disciplinary hearing, including the three who claimed they had received threats via SMS.

The trio who claimed they were threatened not to testify in the disciplinary hearing were Loh, Lingam's sister Jayanti Govindarajulu Naidu and Lingam's brother Thirunama Karasu.

They filed a police report on the threats yesterday.
