No ban on sale of alcohol at convenience stores in Selangor

(The Star) PETALING JAYA: Those buying alcoholic beverages from convenience stores in Selangor may have to show their MyKad to prove that they are neither Muslims nor below the age of 18.

This state government decision is so that the convenience stores practise self-regulation instead of banning the sale of such beverages altogether in Muslim-majority areas.

The law prohibits the sale of alcohol to Muslims and youths below 18, said state executive council member Ronnie Liu.

“And storekeepers will just be doing their part to ensure that the law is adhered to,” he said.

“It is not that the cashier has the right to ask for your identity card,” said Liu.

“But, it is to ensure that they do not break the law.

“If someone looks young, or appears pan-Asian or Malay, the shopkeeper may ask them to produce their identity card.

“Otherwise, he may be penalised for selling alcohol to Muslims or those under-aged,” he added.

Citing convenience store chain 7-Eleven as an example, Liu said it was clearly stated in the company’s regulations that it would sack employees who sold alcohol to Muslims.

On Muslim employees handling alcoholic drinks, Liu said the Federal Constitution was silent on the matter.

“It is okay to work in hotels, airlines and other places where some alcohol is offered, as long as they don’t consume it.”
