RM250,000 for a Negeri Sembilan Datukship

In 2004, Malaysia Today wrote two articles about how for RM250,000 you could buy a Datukship from Negeri Sembilan. The Negeri Palace subsequently made a police report against me and the police came to my house to confiscate my computer. I was also orderd to report to Bukit Aman for interrogation. I challenged the police to charge me in court where I would reveal my evidence of Datukships being sold for RM250,000. They decided to drop the charges, just in case.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Also read: The Chinese penchant for Datukships


'I was awarded datukship in 1991'

Malaysian Mirror, 14 August 2009

Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (Matta) president Joshua Peter Tan finally cleared the air over his datukship when he produced documents to prove that he had indeed been awarded a Negri Sembilan datukship in 1991.

robin tan.jpgAt a media conference yesterday, Tan produced the papers, including the list of prominent people in Negri Sembilan who received awards up to the year 2001/2002 which included his name as one of the recipients of the Darjah Dato’ Setia Negeri Sembilan (DSNS) award which bears the title “Datuk”. (Right – Star image)

According to the Star, Tan also said he went to the Negri Sembilan state secretariat yesterday to meet the officer who issued the July 15 letter which stated that he was never bestowed a datukship.

According to him, the secretariat said they had made a technical error.

Blame detractors in Matta

“The letter was made based on the fact that they looked into their files and did not find anything about me in the past seven years. They did not go further to search documents dated 20 years back,” he said.

Tan also showed reporters present, a framed letter issued by the state secretariat dated July 4, 1991 which showed the conferment of his title and a photograph of the inauguration ceremony.

However, he did not put the blame on the state secretariat but lashed out at the group of 16 Matta members whom he felt were out to topple him from his presidency.

Last week, a newspaper queried Tan on his title, which he claimed was from the Negri Sembilan state government and that he had the letter to verify it.

The authenticity of Tan’s position as Matta president was also being questioned after it was alleged that the association’s membership rolls used in the June 27 annual general meeting and elections were tainted with dubious members.

It resulted in a split in Matta’s leadership with Tan maintaining that he was the rightful president until the Registrar of Societies completed its investigations into the matter.
