H1N1 ok but dying from H1N1 not ok

By Karen Lee

I really shook my head in disbelief when I heard that ‘hotspots’ for H1N1 might be announced. This is typical third world mentality.

I wonder why in other developed nations, qualified medical doctors are the ones giving announcements and details about H1N1 but in our country, politicians are the ones making the announcements. I wonder if they even know what they are dealing with.

I have a son who is only 5 and he is a chronic bronchitis sufferer. We live in Kota Kemuning and we experience hazy conditions EVERYDAY. My son’s life is at stake! And so are many other asthmatic patients, chronic bronchitis patients, young children with low immune systems etc.

Each day I search all the papers hoping to get some leads as to how I can build as many defence mechanisms as I can for my son …. And all I get is the feeling like I am searching for answers in a dark room, totally helpless and in despair.

Then, one good Samaritan gave me a very important lead which might perhaps save my son’s life and I am sharing this with as many people as I can.

Not all who gets H1N1 gets pneumonia BUT all who died of H1N1 gets pneumonia.

So, we should focus on how we can prevent pneumonia if we get H1N1 ….. not how to prevent H1N1.

For those in the high risk group, getting the pneumococcal vaccination is one of the defense mechanisms we could use against dying from H1N1. You might still get H1N1 but at least you have a 30% lower risk of dying from H1N1.

Studies have shown here (http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-sci-pneumonia4-2009aug04,0,6872284.storyhttp://www.digitaljournal.com/article/276994, http://www.readingeagle.com/article.aspx?id=151859) that 30% of H1N1 pneumonia related deaths are due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Getting yourself vaccinated means you have eliminated 30% of the possible risk of dying from H1N1 pneumonia.

Of course, that does not mean you will not get H1N1 but at least you will not die of it … that’s what everyone would prefer. It’s really not about being afraid of getting H1N1, it’s more about dying from it ….

So if the government is serious in preventing H1N1 deaths, all those in the high risk group should get the pneumococcal vaccination. Also, please ensure that all clinics are able to administer this vaccination to adults as well and not only to the children ….


[MT Admin – You can also check H1N1 updates in Malaysia from http://myhealth-matters.blogspot.com a blog by Dr. David Quek, the current President of the Malaysian Medical Association]
