Jelutong MP interviewed by police for allegedly insulting Islam

(The Star) – Police arrived at Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi’s service centre here at 11am Sunday to record his statement on allegations that he insulted Islam.

Ooi had early this month made a statement purportedly linking the Jemaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) movement to religious extremists and for wanting to develop Malaysia into a country which fully adopted syariah laws by 2020.

He was then hitting out at Penang PKR municipal councillor Mohd Razali Abdullah who is a JIM member, saying that the Penang Municipal Council should not allow a “religious extremist” in its administration.

Following his statement, Ooi came under fire from PKR and PAS leaders and subsequently withdrew his statement upon the advice of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

Ooi, who is Lim’s chief of staff, had denied insulting Islam and said he had considered the matter closed after withdrawing the statement.
