Gutter Politics Fuels Stupid Politics

By G. Krishnan

Frankly, I’m tired of such ‘stupid politics,’ which is bread and nurtured by the ‘gutter politics’ practiced by some various Umno politicians. Indeed, I am even amazed that some, like Ku Li, think that Umno is salvageable; that it can be rescued and restored to its true founding principles.

“If you don’t like it here, you can go back to China or India. Or maybe you can go to Australia – a lot of your people go there. Remember, this country is called Tanah Melayu.”

The above is the kind of sentiment I regard as associated with what I call ‘stupid politics.’ To put it simply, it is the stupidity I have come across and seen expressed time and again from what is evidently the kind of intelligence (or more precisely, the lack thereof) conveyed by some of the most pathetic of the rank-and-file Umno apologists who have no grasp of historical facts and whose intellect is, sadly, practically non existent.

Unfair? No, I’m just being brutally honest. Frankly, I’m tired of such ‘stupid politics,’ which is bread and nurtured by the ‘gutter politics’ practiced by some various Umno politicians. Indeed, I am even amazed that some, like Ku Li, think that Umno is salvageable; that it can be rescued and restored to its true founding principles.

‘Stupid politics,’ the politics which gives us: ‘you people should be grateful we gave you citizenship’, has come to epitomize Umno’s quest to resurrect its political fortunes. And such stupid politics is being nurtured, fostered, and exploited by Umno’s ‘gutter politics.’

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