MACC merajuk?

By Dr. Rafick

1. It made major headlines in the MSM when Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdul said he felt that certain quarters were out to tarnish MACC’s image by making vicious and unfounded allegations against the commission, especially against his officers. Because of that, he has suggested that all investigations involving politics be suspended temporarily with immediate effect.

2. Firstly, I find the reaction and frustration poured by Dato Mohd Shukri is childish. As a Director of Investigations, he must be alert on the happenings around him. The current attention that MACC is facing is brought upon them by their own actions. They are fully responsible for the degradation of public perception of their own institution. I bet some would be ashamed to be associated with MACC.

3. Malaysians had high hopes when MACC was upgraded from ACA. They had expected MACC to be a truly independent and non partisan organization in fighting corruption. Unfortunately, their actions thus far have been otherwise.

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