Nazri: Don’t be afraid of MACC if not guilty

(Bernama) – Don't be afraid of the preventive measures and investigations carried out by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) if you want corruption to be tackled more seriously, says Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz.

Directing his words at opposition parties, Nazri said the MACC was an independent body and acted impartially while it was also bound by conditions and regulations in conducting its investigations.

"The DAP wants corruption to be eradicated, and several politicians, including from Barisan Nasional (BN), have been investigated. But when their party (DAP) leaders are investigated, they object.

What's the problem … afraid?"  he said after visiting the Kuching Court Complex here today.

He was commenting on the commotion at the Sungai Pelek DAP service centre on Saturday when MACC officers wanted to arrest Wong Chuan How, the special officer to Selangor state executive councillor Ronnie Liu, over state allocations for the Sungai Pelek state constituency.

Wong is still being treated at Serdang Hospital after he fell during a struggle with the MACC officers.

Nazri said the opposition wanted to undermine the morale of MACC officers by making various demands, including calling on MACC director of investigations Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull to quit his post.

"They should not do that, and I hope he (Shukri) will be undeterred and carry out the responsibility entrusted to him," he said.

On the suggestion for two separate methods of MACC investigation for  politicians and the public, Nazri said the country's laws applied to all regardless of their backgrounds.

"The government does not intend to have two different procedures for politicians and the public. To me, the politicians have been chosen by the people to represent them, so they should be more responsible," he said.
