No politician is above the law, says Muhyiddin

(The Star) KOTA KINABALU: No politician is above the law and should not kick up a fuss when asked to cooperate in investigations, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

“In my experience in politics going back several decades, enforcement authorities have investigated politicians from both the government side and the opposition.

Warm welcome: Muhyiddin being greeted by Kudat Umno members yesterday.

“Corruption is corruption, whether it is done by a politician or others. Enforcement authorities must do everything possible to stamp it out,” Muhyiddin told reporters at the end of his one-day visit to Sabah yesterday.

He was asked about a report quoting Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission director of investigations Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull who, in a fit of frustration, suggested all investigations involving politics be suspended temporarily with immediate effect.

Shukri claimed he felt certain quarters were out to tarnish the image of the commission by making vicious and unfounded allegations against the commission and its officers.

Muhyiddin said Shukri’s remarks might have stemmed from the opposition being uncooperative in the bid to probe allegations of corruption against them.

Meanwhile, Muhyiddin said private sector involvement would be a key factor in efforts to increase the number of pupils entering Year One with a pre-school background to 80% in three years from the present 60%.

The Education Minister said private sector intending to set up pre-schools in rural areas would be given assistance by the Government, such as helping to provide training for teachers and funding the start-up cost.
